


Although often related to mergers and acquisitions, valuations and business modelling can be useful in other instances too, such as during disputes, business restructuring, pre-deals, post-deals; for tax purposes, general forecasting and budgeting.

If undertaking a valuation or business modelling exercise, it is important that both are done correctly. If one variable is missed, over or under reported or simply recorded inaccurately, then the entire valuation or business model is inaccurate and worthless.

It is also essential, in the case of business modelling, to have a robust model that represents all stages of the transaction or process being modelled. A business model that takes only a partial view might be helpful for the part but useless for the whole.

That is why it is paramount to have experienced professionals undertake important financial tasks such as these. We at Kress Cooper have done countless valuations and business models for our clients and can confidently do the same for you.

With a correctly executed valuation or business model in hand, your yearly budgets, deal negotiations, corporate restructuring and more can go smoothly and confidently.

Your company's data and those of your client's company are precious and need to be properly protected. This requires strict controls, robust software and hardware, and a viable disaster recovery plan. Whether you are currently reviewing your cyber security measures or are looking to put new ones in place, Kress Cooper can help you navigate the often complicated but necessary area of cyber security.

We fully evaluate your business methods, from internal procedures to external deliverables, and analyze how to fit cyber security requirement around your day to day operations. With this approach, we assure staff productivity and normal operations remain interrupted during the implementation of any cyber security measures.

Cost, convenience, and purpose should merge seamlessly when considering and adopting any new cybersecurity measures and our seasoned professionals know how to combine all factors to make this a reality.

Cyber security is one area that requires vigilance at all times and Kress Cooper understands how to turn vigilance into practical solutions guaranteed to secure and safeguard all data from threat. The cost of not investing in the highest standard of cyber security is high. It can adversely impact you, your clients, and your company. To address this important business, you need to contact Kress Cooper today.

If your organisation is considering a major transaction or simply a new business opportunity, due diligence must be undertaken before the final go-ahead is given. When all of the T’s are crossed and I’s are dotted, executives can be assured that they are going into a new venture confidently and without hidden risk.

At Kress Cooper we can be an independent resource to investigate every area and level of a corporate entity, business idea, or new product. We know how to ask the right questions and find the right answers by applying a forensic approach that leaves no stone unturned. We investigate a separate entity or product rights owner in the following areas:

  • Business's operations
  • Financial records
  • Financial performance
  • Customer base
  • Existing material and intellectual property assets
  • Tax compliance
  • Legal record
  • Once we have exhausted all open avenues related to the new venture, we will compile our data and facts into a comprehensive report that can be relied upon by management to make an informed and calculated decision as to the way forward.

    The days of pen and paper are long gone and have been replaced with high-speed, high-tech IT solutions that make our business day easier and more productive. Your in-house technology solutions should allow your employees to do their jobs seamlessly and your production to run smoothly.If your hardware and software platforms are failing to optimize your people and product lines, then it is necessary to evaluate and improve them.

    Kress Cooper offers clients a complete IT Advisory service that deals not just with the desktop but with the back room as well.Having the right enterprise architecture is the start to building a robust IT structure that will support your employees and business as well as maximize data and ensure its security.

    The team at Kress Cooper is able to evaluate, transform and optimize your current IT infrastructure by doing the following:

    • Analyzing current enterprise architecture and identifying weaknesses and strengths.
    • Identifying compliance and regulatory exigencies that need to be met.
    • Using our analysis to create a custom IT plan that meets operational and personnel needs.
    • Evaluating the technical solutions currently on the market.
    • Costing and purchasing the best solutions for your company.
    • Testing and implementing the complete IT Infrastructure from backend to desktop.
    • Training staff on the usage of new platforms.
    • Offering continued IT support through preferred vendors.

    The difference between using an ill-suited outdated IT solution for your company and switching to a cutting-edge, custom solution is huge. The value to your company will be immediately realized through increases in productivity and profit. Kress Cooper can help your company navigate a total improvement in your company's IT Infrastructure seamlessly and effectively.

    Often when a company starts out, its overall approach is effective and brings returns, however as it grows or its place in the market shifts, improvements need to be made. By having an external team examine your internal structures, real solutions can be identified and implemented.

    Kress Cooper's Performance Improvement team looks at your entire business structure to identify financial, operational, and personnel areas that could be improved and ultimately optimized. By taking a holistic and integrated approach, we can offer strategic solutions in all areas that will engender effective operations, high preforming staff and continued cash flow.

    Kress Cooper can transform the performance of your organization by:

    • Identifying all areas of weakness and strength,
    • Determining market share and areas of expansion,
    • Formulating practical,affordable solutions to problem areas,
    • Devising clear business strategy for all proposed improvements,
    • Leading the resulting change management process,
    • Implementing benchmark systems to measure changes and spur growth,
    • Setting future follow-up to ensure continued support.

    By avoiding change and improvement companies can fall behind the competition and even close their doors. Kress Cooper takes what you currently have in place and improves it so your company's continued success is assured for many years to come.

    With world governments creating new legislation at an increased pace, the need for compliance is paramount. Regulations and risk go hand in hand and ignoring these important business areas puts companies at serious risk to future operations. It can be difficult and daunting to understand all that is required in each sector and industry, but the team at Kress Cooper has a vast understanding and knowledge that can bring your company into alignment with compliance and risk mitigation practices.

    Kress Cooper will analyze the risk faced by your company in the following areas:

    • Operational
    • Financial
    • Compliance
    • Strategic
    • Reputational

    Once we uncover every contributing detail our team will:

    • Name and identify how each risk affects your organization.
    • Evaluate the danger of the risk and consider it proportionally.
    • Propose solid, comprehensive solutions to address and neutralize the risk.
    • Help clients decide on and implement proposed solutions.
    • Support and further review the real-time effectiveness of adopted solutions.

    This exacting process will see your management adopt the right practices in the correct manner. Once new risk-related practices are embedded in your company culture and worked into your existing structures, employees and systems will effortlessly create the assurance you need.

    By taking an inclusive and holistic approach, disruption to existing procedures is minimized and systems are enhanced. In this way, Kress Cooper helps you to turn your organization's risks into opportunities.

    The world's markets are increasingly competitive and hard-driven so staying ahead of the pack is integral to your business success. If employee, resource, and operational output are not aligned with profit then your business cannot succeed. Kress Cooper, through its internal audit advisory service, can help your business to function optimally bringing costs in line and increasing profits.

    Our experienced team of professionals will look at every detail of your business to identify potential risks, areas of improvement and possible opportunities. We work closely with all levels of staff in order to understand what each team member brings to the organization and how their efforts could be optimized so that every cog is constantly turning to keep them the corporate wheel moving forward.

    We do this by looking comprehensively at all aspects of your business. Such as:

    • Current Practices and Best Practices
    • Financial Structure and Reporting
    • Governance
    • Information Technology Systems
    • Internal Control Processes
    • Operational Organisation
    • Risk Assessment
    • Supply Chain

    Once our specialized team members have analyzed and understood where your company is and where it could be, we make tangible, practical recommendations to the head of the internal audit committee, senior management, and board members.

    By providing hard data to back up our conclusions and recommendations, we deliver an internal audit advisory service that is measurable and valuable to stakeholders. Kress Cooper's inclusive and holistic approach will take your company to another level that is attainable and assures success.

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